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ACPA staff is continuously working on this transition aiming on a fully working platform by the end of 2022. Qcast is integrated to this platform as well.


The QCast program continues to satisfy the ISO 17065 requirements and has renewed its accreditation as of May 2021 via a virtual audit performed by the ANSI auditors.ĪCPA is transitioning its database to Hubspot.

  • Gasketed Box External Joint Test Installation.
  • Scale Calibration Calculator & Guide for Plants.
  • Scale Calibration Guide for Independent Agencies.
  • Below is a list of all template forms and Videos that are available: New tools have been added to the ACPA members sonly website under Quality/QCast Tools with regards to joint design.


    Update on “QCast tools” on the ACPA members only website The auditors will check if the tolerances shown on the product design is matching with the measurements taken. Note: Starting this year, ACPA is tightening up the joint audits during the sanitary product audit. When this is the case, records of the cover are required instead of the cage dimensions. Appendix A () – “Box Culvert Reinforcement Inspection - Single Cell.” A note was added with regards to the span and rise cage dimension records for the cases when the cover can be measured to the core.Also, see Item 14 below, same change applies to MH & Precast reinforcement inspection. Appendix A ( & 90) – “Pipe Reinforcing Inspection Worksheet” and “Manhole & Precast Reinforcing Inspection Worksheet” – Editorial change on substituting “Horizontal” with “Circumferential” and “Vertical” with “Longitudinal.” Also, only circumferential area check is shown in the table to mirror item 9 above.When using segmented joint forming equipment, proof of design testing is now done based on size groups instead of each individual size. Product Testing” Clarification language was added for the proof of design testing for gasketed box culverts. Box Culvert and Three-Sided Requirements (-46) – “13.Pipe Requirements () - “13.2.1 Reinforcement Round Pipe Three-Edge-Bearing Tests.” Clarification language was added on “when” the pipes should be tested initially when the size/class is “first run”.Pipe Requirements & Manhole Requirements” ( & 35) – “Dimensional Test Reports on Pipe Barrels.” All information shown on the sample form at the appendix for pipe and manhole dimensional are considered minimum requirements.The respective appendix form is also updated to mirror these changes (Item 13 below). Also added circumferential steel area, longitudinal steel area is not required. Reinforcing” – Added requirement for wire spacing, this applies to both the circumferential and longitudinal wires. Pipe Requirements & Manhole Requirements ( & 34) – “7.The intent of this section is for the products to be marked with the QCast identification such as the QCast emblem, the wording change allows other identification than the QCast Emblem to be used in marking the product such as written “QCast” text. Product Marking” – the word “emblem” was substituted with “identification”. Calibration” Concrete thermometers and Gasket Durometers were added to the list of equipment that require a calibration. Also please note that there are two notes added at the end of the table related to reinforcing. Materials” Frequency of reinforcing mill certifications are required on a monthly basis instead of annually. Certification Bylaws () - section “Compliance Audit Conditions” – This section has been updated to satisfy the ANSI program requirements.Certification Bylaws () - "Customer Complaints and Resolutions” This requirement was moved under section 1.10 of 'Common program requirements.This failure criteria is related to the repeated critical item deficiency and not on different deficiencies under the same critical criterion. Certification Bylaws () - “Recertification of Manufacturers' Plant(s)” The fifth paragraph has been rephrased to clarify the actions for when the plant fails an audit due to the same critical criterion in two consecutive years.


    No part of the QCast manual addresses safety concerns associated with its use.

    qcast office

    Safety is an important aspect for the plant, and it is the QCast users that are responsible for establishing their own safety policies.

  • Bylaws (Page iii) – Safety consideration language was added at the end of the Bylaws section, similar to what is used is ASTM specifications.
  • qcast office qcast office

  • Bylaws (Page ii) – “ACPA QCast Plant Certification” – the last sentence of the first paragraph was updated to satisfy the ANSI program requirement.
  • The following changes to the QCast Program will be effective as of January 3rd, 2022 : The auditors will begin auditing to this new manual starting on January 3rd, 2022. To access the new manual, simply scroll over the QCAST tab and select the 2022 QCast Plant Certification Manual. The 2022 QCast Manual is now available on the ACPA website.

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