Mini anvil
Mini anvil

mini anvil

Although in principle some old anvils could be better/worth more than new, our prices are generally much lower.

mini anvil

Naturally many of our old anvils are just as good as the new and besides that many also have craft and historic value. In fact sometimes we get these used, including the original German made Peddinghaus anvils (100% confidence in these). A note about Pricingįirst of all, we price these anvils in relation to new prices for Refflinghaus and Peddinghaus (Now Rigid tool) anvils because they are among the best new anvils. Because we have a lot more coming (see below: Whats coming) we aim to treat you well, and thereby establish and maintain a positive and lasting relationship. In this case we advise bringing a little extra just in case something else catches their eye. Naturally someone can arrive with cash in hand. In addition we can receive payments in various other ways. Another payment method is credit card over the phone – this often involves several calls and also entails a 3% fee. Second, we can use Paypal – fast, simple, and secure but entailing a 3% fee. First, the buyer can deposit the anvil payment directly into our account at Wells Fargo Bank – fast, free, no issues. Our goal here is to make Payment for Anvils and other tools as fast and simple as possible and totally secure. During this time Blacksmiths working with these 2 splendid tools produced the finest blades, swords and armor, weaponry, and decorative ironwork in history.


Then for hundreds of years German and other blacksmiths worked with Church Windows and stake anvils. In addition German blacksmith shops also had a lighter double horned stake anvil, referred to as the second anvil or the Field anvil (below left). Naturally the niches had many special uses. In fact church windows anvils were used on their back or on end. At that point the church windows style anvil was born. Also during that time anvil shops added 2 arch shaped niches on the front. Then anvil makers stood these blocks up on edge and added primitive feet. In contrast blacksmiths in the middle ages had large rectangular block anvils. Roman smiths used small primitive stake anvils. Call Josh: 8 Cell: 8 email us or contact us on Facebook Brief Anvil History – small stake anvils to the mighty German Double Horn In the beginning In addition we have videos of each anvil for sale, available on request.

mini anvil

We can arrange easy payment and shipping or pickup from Petersburg Va.

Mini anvil